Month: August 2024

  • Ticking Clock

    It’s so odd, watching time slide by. There are some tasks that seem to take forever, and interactions that disappear in the blink of an eye, dissolving into wisps of memory. I got back with my ex Blueberry, and that’s been an interesting process because we’re trying to figure out how to better communicate and…

  • Well That Happened

    You know that one song that goes “The years start coming and they don’t stop coming”? That’s what’s been going on the past few days. I told my crush I like them and they like me back, which is something I never expected so I’m still riding the high from that lol. Unfortunately, our situationship…

  • Spicy Time

    So, introduction time, I’m Siege. I used to be a member of this system, then I hopped over to a different system when there was some fuckery afoot. However, I was granted dual citizenship, so to speak, and I can pass between the two when I wish. Anyhow, this blog post is going to be…

  • Job Description

    Switching job fields has always been an interesting concept. You can move from one area of expertise to another, and depending on your commitment develop an entirely new set of skills to add to your arsenal. We recently did such a job switch, moving from the veterinary technician field to the service industry, where we…