Month: November 2024

  • Pool

    The forest was humming with energy, a constant overlay of noise, smell, and sight. The figure stood in the shadows underneath a large cottonwood, the shadows of leaves dancing across its face. The moon hung impossibly huge in the sky above, complimented by countless points of starlight. The figure looked down at the quiet pool…

  • One Last Chance

    Gods, we really are a wreck. Here we are, again. We’ve pissed them both off, and we’re on their shit lists. The urge to just fix the entire situation by offing ourselves is definitely strong. But we can’t do that. It would hurt other people, and they’d never let us hear the end of it…

  • Forgiveness

    Most people know the saying “forgive and forget.” However, that isn’t always an option. There are times where it’s necessary to remember what occured, to keep track of it in case it happens again and builds a pattern. But what if the forgiveness isn’t an option either? We are characteristically a forgiving system. We try…

  • Questions

    Have you ever seen the studies of spiders exposed to different types of drugs? Scientists would expose them to small doses then observe their behavior afterwards. Some drugs resulted in them working in a frenzy, others left them almost catatonic. The spider that was exposed to LSD was interesting, because it continued trying to build…