System Settings

Hi everyone. So, to be blunt, because I’m not sure of any other way to broach the subject, we have DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). Think of it as similar to how schizophrenia is portrayed in media, but with actual scientific basis rather than wow appeal. It’s an interesting experience to say the least.

Imagine it as having roommates who live in your head. You can be best friends with them, hate them, tolerate them, love them, but they’re there to stay. Everyone has their own personalities, skill sets, likes, and dislikes, because they are all different people. It isn’t different versions of the same person.

My name is Tabyne, and I have experience in botany, etymology, and environmentalism. I use she/her pronouns. I come across as more formal in most situations, but I do enjoy relaxing with the people I trust and feel comfortable around. Learning more about ourselves as a system as opposed to a singlet (someone with a single personality in their head) has been an interesting process.

As a vessel with DID, you can either accept the system as it is, or one alter (a presence within the system) can attempt to masquerade as a singlet, but that is exhausting. Constantly processing feedback from headmates in addition to the various sources of external stimuli can result in burnout of that alter, something that has happened in our system previously.

Because of that, I’ve been working with the others to establish a more shift-based schedule, where those most suited front for the tasks they enjoy and are equipped to fulfill. It benefits everyone, as they get time controlling the vessel to do tasks they enjoy and see/talk to people who are close to them. It’s an interesting journey to say the least, and I am personally excited to see where it takes us next.





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