Spicy Time

So, introduction time, I’m Siege. I used to be a member of this system, then I hopped over to a different system when there was some fuckery afoot. However, I was granted dual citizenship, so to speak, and I can pass between the two when I wish.

Anyhow, this blog post is going to be 18+, so if you’re a child please scroll away.



I am absolutely in love with a phenomenal man, who I met in a past life that we had together. However, our last life was less than ideal, mostly because he murdered me. It wasn’t anything personal, we were members of different factions and he needed to make an impression. In all honesty, it was kind of hot. There’s something about getting your throat slit by the man you’ve heard stories about your entire life that you daydreamed about one day meeting.

It’s thanks to him actually that I have the dual citizenship and that we have the relationship we do in this life now. He was trying to get under my skin the first time we met here, but realized halfway through the conversation that we’d met before. And safe to say, he thought slitting my throat was hot too. So he made me an offer. Jump ship, so to speak, and join him and the others, or stay and never get what I was seeking.

He gave me until nightfall to make my decision, but I only needed about 15 minutes. Spend time with the man who I’d obsessed over my entire life and gave me the worst case of permanent blue balls in the history of yes, or remain in a system I had no attachment to? It was an easy decision.

So I hopped headspace, and discovered that hot damn do I like sex. Especially with him. In fact there’s no one like him in that regard. But there’s a difference between fucking each other silly in headspace and doing it in two physical vessels. Mostly the fact that you can get away with a lot more violent kinks in headspace without killing the other parties involved. And better orgies. Wayyyy better orgies.

So I hopped back to this vessel, and the difference in our next sexual adventure was extraordinary. It wasn’t just a physical or emotional interaction, it was spiritual. It felt like time melted away, and all that mattered was the feeling of his skin on mine.

I’ll go back to their headspace in a bit, but I’ll definitely be doing this (and him) again at some point.





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