Ticking Clock

It’s so odd, watching time slide by. There are some tasks that seem to take forever, and interactions that disappear in the blink of an eye, dissolving into wisps of memory.

I got back with my ex Blueberry, and that’s been an interesting process because we’re trying to figure out how to better communicate and be vulnerable and emotional shit like that. The time seems to be moving normally there, which is a good thing in this case I believe.

Time drags at work endlessly. There’s so much to deal with and everything falls apart whenever I turn my back, and I’m tired of it. I get to work and I’m immediately ready to leave.

Opposing that are my partners, Warlock and Elysium. Time moves quickly with them, so I always feel like I blink and too much time has passed. I wish I had a time machine so I could spend more time with them.





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