Animated Music Videos

We used to create AMVs for fun. Alaska liked using them as a way to express themselves, and it was a fun way to explore emotions regarding certain scenes in shows important to them as well as build experience in editing and other artistic endeavors. We haven’t done it in years though… Time was lost, and making AMVs fell to the side as more “important” tasks were selected. So here are some of the favorites from Alaska’s projects, and I hope that we’re able to add to them soon.

Alaska bonded with their brothers over Bleach, and of course they’d debate who the best ships and characters were. Alaska was always extremely fond of Ulquiorra, and felt a kinship with his hunger to understand emotion and know why people acted the way they did. While a far less popular ship, Alaska felt that if Ulquiorra and Orihime had spent more time together, it would have resulted in his development as an individual and as a partner.

When Alaska started watching Kill la Kill, they were simultaneously torn by the fanservice, as parodied as it was, and engaged by the sheer emotional turmoil Ryuko and Satsuki were going through. This series has remained one of their favorites, and a lot of the scenes are emotionally provoking for them, which can often be useful when trying to inspire new emotional development and growth within the vessel.

One of Alaska’s comfort series’ is How To Train Your Dragon, and one of the things they felt a kinship with was how Hiccup was treated differently despite his best efforts to fit in. So they wondered, what if he took that and used that, rather than spending his time working to awaken them to his worldview? What would have happened if he hadn’t had such a strong heart and a caring personality?

This video is in a similar vein to Alaska’s HTTYD video. Do you never get tired of playing the hero and constantly being judged for falling short? What would happen if you actually let peoples’ opinion of you change who you were?

While similar to the depressive tone of the past few videos Alaska had created, this video had a more hopeful ending. RWBY had been with Alaska for years, and they felt that they had grown alongside the characters; waiting for new episodes, analyzing decisions and discussing the many pros and cons, and seeing where they were now as compared to who they had used to be. Because of that, Alaska picked this song, and focused on the fact that both team JNPR and RWBY had chosen to keep moving forward despite everything that had happened to them, their friends, and the world they cared about.