
Shitposting, the art of being open and free with the impulsive thoughts given, is entertaining to watch. But it can also be an important exercise in unblocking yourself and being true to the first thoughts you have, rather than restricting yourself to what’s considered mature and appropriate.

How many times have you thought of something to say or do, but held yourself back because you thought you’d be judged for it? Allowing yourself to say your first thoughts can be a healthy exercise in acknowledging yourself as you are, rather than how you “should” be perceived.

For the longest time, I tried to ensure all my posts, all my contributions to conversations, even the very way I carried myself, were mature and considered appropriate. But that performance wasn’t me. It was simply an act, a role I’d fallen into and forgotten how to shed. I decided that I needed to allow myself to shitpost, both online and linguistically.

So I started making puns. I spent time reflecting on the environment and realized there was far more to what I saw than what I was sharing. And because of that, so much of my effort was going into performing rather than being true to myself. So I opened myself to being silly. I stopped trying to hold myself to an unachievable image that was restricting the very art I enjoyed, and found that it made me so much happier.

I don’t worry about how others perceive me as much anymore. There are still difficult days, moments where I wish I hadn’t said something, worried about the tone and how I used my inflection. But it’s a true reflection of me, and that’s what is most important as I try to find myself in life. If the truth will set you free, than flying through the sky is where I’d rather be.





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