Slip Ups and Slices

I am not perfect. I have more shortcomings than I wish to list, and more failures than I care to mention. There are times I want to completely give up because I don’t see how I can do or be more than I already am.

I have successes, each more unusual than the last. I have achievements where I’ve flown to the next phase and catastrophes where I’ve crashed and burned. But I know we can’t live off of those successes and failures, or else they’ll consume us.

I failed recently in a major way, and it fell to reveal a line of dominoes with dust still rising from the impact of their fall. I and those in my system are responsible for their fall and the damage their impacts caused. I have to accept that and acknowledge it, as heavy as it is upon my chest. To be able to reassemble these dominoes, we will all have to grow, together and as individual alters.

I am more than my greatest success, and I am more than my biggest failure. I have always had the opportunity to grow and embrace change, to continue developing and become more than I ever was before. I just need to keep moving forward.

This growth is painful, but it is also an experience. It can be a beautiful one if you accept it.





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