Well That Happened

You know that one song that goes “The years start coming and they don’t stop coming”? That’s what’s been going on the past few days. I told my crush I like them and they like me back, which is something I never expected so I’m still riding the high from that lol. Unfortunately, our situationship (because that’s just all complicated and a lot to get into) ended up in the hospital yesterday, and our ex who we never want to see or hear from again made yet another Facebook account to try to talk to us.

That Chinese curse “may you live in interesting times” seems to be at play here, and I’m wondering who cursed us with it. The state of the world is batshit, but the pro of constantly living in chaos is you learn how to function on the fly. I’ve gotten good at making quick adjustments, and my head mates have too.

this was definitely a shorter update, but we’ve been slacking on our blogging so I’m getting back into the swing of it. Until next time.






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