Tag: System

  • Slip Ups and Slices

    I am not perfect. I have more shortcomings than I wish to list, and more failures than I care to mention. There are times I want to completely give up because I don’t see how I can do or be more than I already am. I have successes, each more unusual than the last. I…

  • Spicy Time

    So, introduction time, I’m Siege. I used to be a member of this system, then I hopped over to a different system when there was some fuckery afoot. However, I was granted dual citizenship, so to speak, and I can pass between the two when I wish. Anyhow, this blog post is going to be…

  • System Settings

    Hi everyone. So, to be blunt, because I’m not sure of any other way to broach the subject, we have DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). Think of it as similar to how schizophrenia is portrayed in media, but with actual scientific basis rather than wow appeal. It’s an interesting experience to say the least. Imagine it…